
Tolerance only goes so far

By Naoko Kensaku

July 23, 2007

This has me pissed off. Angry. Scared. Worried. In case you’re wondering (as the post if f-locked), the summary is this:

When May and her brother was returning on the LRT, they were harrased by this random foreign stranger in a yellow jacket and green shoes that basically begin condemning the Chinese aloud, calling them names and saying that they shouldn’t be in Malaysia (the man apparently did not have a Malaysian accent, and judging from his skin, was very much darker than the average Malaysian, no matter the race). To top it all off, the man began calling May’s brother’s name. Her brother did not take it lying down, of course. He defended himself and called him a racist.

I’m glad that May’s home safe. And that her brother kept her safe. Would I have kicked him? No. Would I have shouted at him in the same way? Yes. Dad has also told me of his own experience with a maniac like that (just not the screaming kind). He did make a point: he should have just told the idiot “If you don’t like it here so much, what the f*ck are you doing here?” There’s nothing else they can do though. According to dad, there’s nothing else to be done. BTW May dear… dad was smiling when I told him what your bro did, so it’s safe to say that he approves of what your bro did. (Considering that for me, my dad remains as one of the best sources and gauge of what’s going on the street…)
