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I think I shall call this my Dot-dot-dot series.

Mornings are…

Waking up to a realisation that old values, especially those based on race, are slowly falling away.

Waking up to someone holding you tightly as though he’d never let you go.

Waking up to gentle kisses on the nose and on the ear.

Stretching in bed and realising it’s a completely wonderful day.

Stretching in bed three minutes later from the above sentence realising that you’re not even anywhere close to being prepared for the day.

Stretching in bed and realising that you’re going to complete two cycles of the zodiac cycle but your brain still acknowledges your age as 22 instead.

Sitting in front of the PC with a cup of coffee in the morning and talking to your colleague over the cubicle.

Sitting in front of the PC and listening to relaxing music.

Just enjoying music for its sake.