DW/LJ Crossposting

Trial Cups for sale~

By Naoko Kensaku

February 01, 2009

Ok, this is mainly for the Ladies.

Previously I mentioned that TinyTapir sold menstrual cups at RM130 each. I know a lot of people are hesitant to try them because of the price, and there’s now an alternative. The people behind the Ladycup are offering trial cups for RM25, including shipping (actually around RM23 something, but I’m too lazy to check the exact price now).

The offer is here.

Things to note:

According to the Menstrual Cups community on LJ, the cups could be from batches that are defective. The cups might split, hence the “one use minimum” guarantee. Splitting cups are unusual, but previous reports and emails from their representatives say that these are most likely caused by the colouring process.

That said, I think it’s still a good trial for those who’d like to try out a cup cheaply. If you like it, you can always order the actual thing. I like the Blue Cup myself, but I’m very happy with my clear LadyCup for now.

Lemme know if you do try one. I’d like to know how the experience works for you.