Favicon and Namecard requests

I started blogging on my writing.com account on April 8, 2002.

It’s almost 7 years to the day when I began. This domain is just about 2 years old. I’ve been writing seriously (as in really paying attention to it) for about 3 years.

So I’d like to ask you guys for a favour. I’m really thinking about making my own namecard, and I’m looking at one with a simple design. However, at the back of the card, I’d like to list down the roles I play (do NOT look at the about page on this blog for inspiration, as I’m going to rewrite that soon) so the card should be two sided.

I would also like someone to come up with a logo for me, something that adequately describes my love for writing and my addiction to gaming. This logo will be used on both the card and as my favicon (the little picture you see next to the address bar in your browser) so it cannot have too many elements (which is something I’m wont to do).

Anyone? *Looks at the numerous designers on her list*

Rewards are (chosen design only):
Eternal Gratitude x A gazillion
RM150 cash (with no dinner)
RM85 cash + dinner at a location of your choice (must not exceed RM100 per person)


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