Boggling the mind

This is especially important to all artists out there. Writers too, should take note, in case something like this comes back to bite you.

An artist by the name of Jon is not only being accused of RIPPING OFF HIS OWN WORK, but is also having his reputation being slandered by the same people. Link goes back to the Comic Fiesta site as the original was broken (thanks Fly!).

Please spread the word and let everyone know. This isn’t just sick, it’s underhanded and completely crossing the line. It’s one thing to serve a notice, but quite another to slander another person when that person has the EVIDENCE to back his works up.

Thanks all. Please remember to link back to the original post in here, and not this blog. Thanks.

Late Edit: Here’s the other side of the coin from Logo Factory: Stock artwork, logos, copyright and the power of Twitter. A cautionary tale. The other side is reprinted with permission after the Jon Engel story.

One thought on “Boggling the mind

  1. Erm, your link is broken. Just so you know.

    Geminianeyes: I forgot to update it. Thanks, link fixed.

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