38 thoughts on “I want a “Like” button

    • *gives you lolipop*

      You’re much more resilient than people give you credit for. You’re firm in your beliefs, you make the effort to keep yourself updated, and you’ve got a very good head on your shoulders.

      That and I love reading about your experiences in Japan. 🙂 I love learning about Japan from your eyes. Thank you, dear friend for that. 🙂

    • Sorry I missed your comment!

      You’re cute, adorable, stubborn and passionate about what you want. You’re also not afraid to tell people off for being dumb, and you’re really a tsundere. 😀

    • *Picks you and gives you cookies!*

      You approach almost everything with a sane, calm approach. I admire your stoicisms, and the fact that you’re not as heartless as people make you out to be. You’re actually warm and a really genuine person. 🙂

      • D’Awww! Thanks! 🙂

        People at work find my animatedness thoroughly enjoyable. What is this stoicism you speak of!

  1. … and the fact that you’re not as heartless as people appear to be.

    Also, I do not get this part. Did you miss out a word somewhere?

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