
The network card of Verita (my comp) is currently out. However, I suspect that there is more to that as switching Verita on is proving to be more of a hassle than it should be. I’m taking her back to her seller tomorrow. I think I’ll back up my music just to be safe too. Will be back hopefully tomorrow.



I’m now addicted to a webcomic named Megatokyo. It’s the first webcomic that I’m actively following. Now, if you look on the main page as per link, you’ll see Dom’s ranting about his computer (Dom’s one of the helps on MT).

This is where I start to rant.

You see, when I went to sleep last night, I started to dream. I was talking to Serge and Edrei online, about to ask them about the security threat Dom was talking about. When all of a sudden my beautiful SERAPHINE refused to install Spybot S&D and Ad-Aware. I cried. For she lagged. And I could not back up.

Dom, stop haunting my dreams (I have no idea whether he’ll see this).

On another note, my mouse has decided to move even when I’m not touching it. In fact, I’m not moving anything at all, and the pointer… moves. Eeep.

Okay, this is weird

According to the blog stats in the dashboard of WP, it seems that my blog gets a lot of visits from the following Google:





Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Can someone tell me why this is happening? I’m just really curious, that’s all.


I have just watched Narnia ahead of people in Malaysia and most of the world, from what I know.


Need I mention that the movie’s fantastic and I loved it? Although there are some parts that I don’t like, but it was fantastic!

Zodiac post

We’re both Air Signs. He’s a Cardinal though, which means that he has a desire to lead. I’m a Mutable, which means I don’t really care. We’re also the only two signs, I believe that have dual themes. He has the Scales, I have the Twins. What does this mean?

Good evening again. This is Sukina speaking. Because of her laziness, the following bits are her (the writer’s) interpretations of Linda Goodman’s Love Signs. Thank you for reading.

The Fortuneteller Muse,

Sukina Toriyama.

According to the book, decisions made by Geminians women are not always final. (In fact, they never are- Me) However, Librans tend to analyse all sides of a decision before making one, for they are always afraid of making the wrong choice.

Will write later. I’m about to collapse.