
Normally I wouldn’t post Malay news as translating it is often a hassle, but this is just a quick one:

Watch your manners, don’t scream at elderly citizens.

The news report details in brief of an elderly citizen’s attempt to re-enter the hospital ward after visiting hours. Her daughter had just finished surgery and the old woman, Che Ngah, had requested permission from the nurse to stay with her daughter and keep her company. The nurse had allowed her, and she went off to have her own dinner before coming back.

Upon her return, she was refused entry by a security guard on the basis that visiting hours were over. While the refusal was understandable, the manner was not. The old woman was screamed at by the security guard in full view of the passing public. The guard screamed if the old woman was a VIP who wanted to walk in and out of the hospital. She (the guard) also slammed the door as a measure of her anger.

I’m truly sickened by this. For some reason, upon reading the news, the first person that came to mind was ursa_mater. Would like to ask all who’ve been in public hospitals: Have you ever come across cases like these? What is your hospital’s policy on allowing guests to stay overnight in a patient’s room to keep them company?